Irrigation Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler Irrigation System
Sprinkler is a type of irrigation system wherein water comes out of sprayers or sprinkled in a specific position. It imitates the downpour of rainfall on the ground. They are commonly used in golf courses, parks and home lawns or yards.

Sprinklers are classified by their use::
Residential sprinkler – these are the ones used at home, commonly used in residential lawns. The sizes of these sprinklers are relatively small since they are for home use. Sprinklers can be installed in the ground or can be connected directly to the home’s plumbing system. They usually operate by programming the time of use and some sprinklers have retractable heads that only come out upon function.

Underground sprinkler – same as the other sprinklers, the only difference of this class is the use of hydraulic technology and other electronic functions.

Farm sprinklers – these are sprinklers that are connected to a moving device with sprinkler heads attached to them. This is ideal for individuals who have large fields needed for hydration since this has wheels and can move slowly.

Types of sprinklers
There are different types of sprinklers and each has their own distinct function. They are: Impact sprinklers – best known for their ability to work with dirty water and low pressures of water but still provide even watering. The sprinkler is able to pivot because it has bearings on top of its head.

Oscillating sprinklers – it is one of the most common sprinklers around. It sprays curtain type burst. The metal arms have a back and forth motion to evenly water the specific area.

Drip sprinklers – these are overhead sprinklers that spray water drop by drop. This is the most water-efficient sprinkler available.

Underground sprinklers – underground sprinklers are the ones that are commonly used in golf courses and parks. These have heads that are hidden and only pop out once the process of watering starts. It is called underground because its water source is buried beneath the ground.